地震、津波の被害にあわれた方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます(_ _) 寒い中ご苦労されていると思いますが1分、1秒でも通常の生活に戻れますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。

About KAWASHO’s Activities

KAWASHOの活動を紹介するビジュアル、AI生成アートと音楽をテーマにしたデザイン、明るいオレンジの背景に配置されたデジタルアートやコーヒーカップが特徴的。『Art Lovers Community』のロゴと『About KAWASHO's Activities』というテキストが目立つデザイン。

About KAWASHO’s Activities

Hello, I’m KAWASHO 💖
I use AI to create images and music, blending technology with creativity. I am passionate about producing new things every day and enjoy having fun conversations with all of you 🤗✨


  • AI Image Generation: Creating unique and beautiful images using my own prompts.
  • AI Music Creation: Producing original music inspired by various sources.


  • Blog
    Kawasyo Web AI
    Here, I share prompts, AI utilization methods, and engage in fun discussions and information sharing on SNS.
  • YouTube
    Love & Harmony
    “Love & Harmony” is a place where music meets emotion. From heartwarming love songs to relaxing café BGM, we provide the perfect soundtrack for your special moments 🎶💕 Heartfelt love songs and breakup tracks: Let the melodies speak to your heart and free your emotions.
    ☕ Relaxing café BGM: Enjoy peaceful music for your moments of calm and reflection.
  • Suzuri
    Kawasyou on suzuri
    Digital content is available for purchase! If you buy me a coffee, it’ll give me the power to create even more exciting things! 🥰💕 Your support is invaluable to me and fuels my next creative adventure 💖 Thank you for continuing to support me! Your encouragement is my motivation ✨
  • TuneCore Japan
    TuneCore Japan
    Kawasho’s music is available on TuneCore Japan. Add these perfect tracks to your music library and enjoy the world of Kawasho’s music every day 🎶


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Art Lovers Community

Share your art, discover new creations, and connect with fellow artists. Let’s celebrate creativity, inspire each other, and grow together! 🎨💫

