地震、津波の被害にあわれた方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます(_ _) 寒い中ご苦労されていると思いますが1分、1秒でも通常の生活に戻れますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。

バイカーギャング/biker gang

白のバイカーギャングのファッションをした女性をstable diffusionのプロンプト・呪文により描かれたリアルなAI生成画像







Leather jacket, Black jeans, Studded boots, Bandana, Spiked hair with a rugged look, Dark and edgy, Abandoned industrial warehouse, Graffiti-covered walls, Urban decay, Smoky eye makeup, Bold red lipstick, Tough and rebellious,

, BREAK, (Leather jacket:1.3), (Black jeans:1.3), (Studded boots:1.3), (Bandana:1.3),
, BREAK, (Spiked hair with a rugged look:1.4), (Dark and edgy:1.4),
, BREAK, (Abandoned industrial warehouse:1.4), (Graffiti-covered walls:1.4), (Urban decay:1.4),
, BREAK, (Smoky eye makeup:1.3), (Bold red lipstick:1.3), (Tough and rebellious:1.3).




Denim vest, leather pants, engineer boots, chains and studs, long greasy hair, dark and wild, rugged and savage, motorcycle garage, grease and tools, tough and gritty, raccoon eye makeup, skull face paint, intimidating and intense

, BREAK, (Denim vest:1.2), (Leather pants:1.4), (Engineer boots:1.3), (Chains and studs:1.3),
, BREAK, ( Long greased hair:1.3), (Dark and wild:1.3), (Rugged and untamed:1.3),
, BREAK, ( Motorcycle garage:1.3), (Grease and tools:1.3), (Tough and gritty:1.3),
, BREAK, ( Raccoon eye makeup:1.2), (Intimidating and fierce:1.3).


フリンジ レザー ジャケット、スエード フリンジ パンツ、カウボーイ ブーツ、ウエスタン ベルト、ウェーブのかかった長い髪、日焼けしたハイライト、ワイルドで自由、砂漠のバー、埃っぽいトレイル、カントリー ロック ミュージック、険しい冒険、ブロンザー

Fringe leather jacket, suede fringe pants, cowboy boots, western belt, long wavy hair, tanned highlights, wild and free, desert bars, dusty trails, country rock music, rugged adventure, bronzer A natural, earthy and sun-kissed

, BREAK, (Fringed leather jacket:1.5), (Suede fringe pants:1.5), (Cowboy boots:1.3), (Western belt:1.3),
, BREAK, (Long wavy hair:1.3), (Sun-kissed highlights:1.3), (Wild and free:1.3),
, BREAK, (Desert bar:1.3), (Dusty trails:1.3), (Country rock music:1.3), (Rugged and adventurous:1.3),
, BREAK, (Natural with a touch of bronzer:1.3), (earthy and sun-kissed:1.3).




Red plaid shirt, black leather chaps, combat boots, chain wallet, bald with a rugged beard, intimidating and tough, old roadhouse, pool table, rowdy crowd, realistic, minimalist with an emphasis on rugged features , vivid and intense

, BREAK, (Red plaid shirt:1.5), (Black leather boots:1.5), (Combat boots:1.5), (Chain wallet:1.5),
, BREAK, (pompadour:1.5), (Intimidating and tough:1.3),
, BREAK, (Old roadhouse:1.3), (Pool tables:1.3), (Rough crowd:1.3), (Down-to-earth:1.3),
, BREAK, (Minimal with a focus on rugged features:1.3), (Raw and fierce:1.3).

ビンテージ モーターサイクル ジャケット


ビンテージ モーターサイクル ジャケット、ダメージ ジーンズ、ヴィンテージ ブーツ、アビエーター サングラス、オールバック ヘア、時代を超越したクラシック、レトロなダイナー、ネオン ライト、ロックン ロール ジュークボックス、時代を超越した反抗的、クラシックな翼のあるアイライナー、赤いリップ、時代を超越したクール

Vintage motorcycle jacket, Distressed jeans, Vintage boots, Aviator sunglasses, Slicked-back hair, Timeless and classic, Retro diner, Neon lights, Rock ‘n’ roll jukebox, Timeless and rebellious, Classic winged eyeliner, Red lips, Timeless and cool.

, BREAK, (Vintage motorcycle jacket:1.4), (Distressed jeans:1.4), (Vintage boots:1.4), (Aviator sunglasses:1.3),
, BREAK, (Slicked-back hair:1.3), (Timeless and classic:1.3),
, BREAK, (Retro diner:1.3), (Neon lights:1.3), (Rock ‘n’ roll jukebox:1.3), (Timeless and rebellious:1.3),
, BREAK, (Classic winged eyeliner:1.3), (Red lips:1.3), (Timeless and cool:1.3).


漢字、チーム記章、各種刺繍が施されたオーバーサイズの白バイカーパンツ、デザインが施されたオーバーサイズの白バイカーパンツ、暴走族所属、日本の暴走族をイメージした派手なメイク、白をテーマ、秘境、狭い路地、夜、街灯、古い建物、 落書き、ポスター、荒廃、沈黙、秘密、物語、荒れ果てた壁。

Oversized long white coat with kanji, team insignia, and various embroidery, Oversized white biker pants adorned with designs, biker gang affiliation, extravagant makeup inspired by Japanese biker gangs, white theme, hidden realm, narrow alley, night, streetlights, old building, graffiti, posters, desolation, silence, secrets, stories, dilapidated walls.

, BREAK, Oversized Long white coat, kanji, team insignia, designsembroidery, emblems, logos, skulls, reflect her affiliation and personality,
, BREAK, Oversized white biker pants, White pants of the same color as the long coat, Oversized, very large biker pants, decorated with various embroidery, and designs.,
, BREAK, dark, hidden realm, narrow alley, night, streetlights, old building, graffiti, posters, desolation, silence, secrets, stories, dilapidated walls,
, BREAK, Extravagant Makeup, The outlaw world of Japanese biker gangs, white theme,

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