地震、津波の被害にあわれた方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます(_ _) 寒い中ご苦労されていると思いますが1分、1秒でも通常の生活に戻れますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。

お正月/New Year





, BREAK, Majestic Mt. Fuji: (Symbol of Japanese beauty: 1.3), (Majestic scenery in the background: 1.2), (Harmony of tradition and nature: 1.2),
, BREAK, The unparalleled beauty of a kimono: (Brilliantly wearing a stately red kimono: 1.3), (Formal style that embodies traditional beauty: 1.2), (Elegant obi and gorgeous patterns: 1.2), 


, BREAK, (Festive City Streets:1.3), (Festive lights adorn city streets: 1.3), (Symphony of celebration echoes: 1.2),
, BREAK, (Focus on the iconic countdown: 1.3), (All eyes on glowing numerals: 1.2), (Seconds marking the stroke of midnight: 1.2), (Countdown intensifies with each second: 1.3), (Confetti cannons poised for a cascade: 1.2), (Air charged with promise of a fresh start: 1.2),
, BREAK, Joyous Arrival of New Year: (Jubilation as "Happy New Year" is declared: 1.3), (Fireworks burst kaleidoscope: 1.2), (Transition as symbolic renewal: 1.3), (Embrace new possibilities and set intentions: 1.2), (World unites in shared joy of new beginning: 1.2).



, BREAK, (Serene Beach Sunrise:1.3), (Lone figure welcomes dawn: 1.3), (Horizon painted in soft pinks and oranges: 1.2), (Sun casting warm glow across landscape: 1.2),
, BREAK, (Freshness of a New Day:1.3), (Air filled with freshness of a new day: 1.3), (Scene exudes tranquility and hope: 1.2), (Sunrise as a metaphorical rebirth: 1.2),


, BREAK, Top of the Mountain Vista: (Magnificent sight from the mountain's top: 1.3), (First sunrise gently illuminating mountains: 1.2), (World still shrouded in silence: 1.2),
, BREAK, Sea of Clouds: (Fog creating a fantastical atmosphere: 1.3), (Sea of clouds enveloping the mountains: 1.2), (View becoming even more beautiful from the top: 1.2),
, BREAK, Transported to Another World: (Sun rising above mountains, reflected in mist: 1.3), (Light and shadow intermingle: 1.2), (Creating a truly fantastical landscape: 1.2),
, BREAK, Frozen Moment: (Beauty and mystery that makes time freeze: 1.3), (Sight of first sunrise and graceful mist: 1.2), (Evoking a sense of excitement and witnessing a miracle of nature: 1.2),


, BREAK, View of a skyscraper: (First sunrise from the roof: 1.3), (Unobstructed height as far as the eye can see: 1.2), (Big city below: 1.2),
, BREAK, Cityscape and dawn: (The beauty of the city as the night falls: 1.3), (The shadows of buildings appear in the sunlight: 1.2), (Feeling the beginning of a new day: 1.2),
, BREAK, Gentle morning light: (The gentle light of dawn illuminates the landscape: 1.3), (The buildings and streets wake up quietly: 1.2), (The hopeful atmosphere of a new day: 1.2),
, BREAK, Silence in a skyscraper: (A moment of silence on top of a skyscraper: 1.3), (Away from the noise around you: 1.2), (Gentle anticipation of the beginning of a new day: 1.2),



お正月についてまだまだ描きたいことがありましたが、取っ掛かりが遅くなり時間がなくなりましたので、内容が薄くなりました・・・。年末年始ってなぜこんなに忙しくなるのですかね(;一_一) イヤッ私が早く取り掛かっていたら良かっただけですね(/ω\)

今年最後の更新になります。約半年でたくさんの方が訪問して頂きありがとうございました。色々な方からのご意見を頂きそれとなく書いていくことが出来ていますことを感謝しております。来年も不定期ながらも書いていこうと思いますので宜しくお願い致しますM( _ _ )M 皆さまよいお年をお迎えください(*´▽`*)

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