地震、津波の被害にあわれた方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます(_ _) 寒い中ご苦労されていると思いますが1分、1秒でも通常の生活に戻れますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。

September 4th is “Comb Day”! Embark on a Journey into the World of Beauty with MidJourney


Combs Color Your Hair, and Your Heart: Prompt Collection for Comb Day

Today is “Comb Day”! This special day originates from Japanese wordplay: “ku” (9) and “shi” (4), which together sound like “kushi,” meaning “comb” in Japanese. In the beauty industry, combs are not just essential tools for making hair look beautiful; they also symbolize a moment to connect with oneself and bring calmness to the mind.

Let’s use MidJourney to explore the essence of “Comb Day.”

Prompt Examples

Comb and Hair:

  • A woman with long, flowing hair, brushing it with a golden hairbrush, sunlight
  • A close-up of a wooden comb, intricate carvings, natural light

A close-up of a wooden comb, intricate carvings, natural light

Hair Salon Scenes:

  • A vintage hair salon, a stylist cutting a customer’s hair, retro aesthetic
  • A modern hair salon with neon lights, a hairdresser styling a model’s hair, futuristic

A modern hair salon with neon lights, a hairdresser styling a model's hair, futuristic

Comb and Emotions:

  • A person looking at themselves in a mirror, holding a hairbrush, feeling sad
  • A person looking at themselves in a mirror, holding a hairbrush, feeling happy

A person looking at themselves in a mirror, holding a hairbrush, feeling happy

Comb and Nature:

  • A mermaid combing her hair with a seashell comb, underwater
  • A forest nymph combing her hair with a wooden comb, surrounded by flowers

Today’s Message A comb is not just a tool. It doesn’t just untangle hair; it’s a tool for calming the mind and regaining confidence. Why not explore the world of beauty and self-reflection through a comb with MidJourney?

Conclusion Today is “Comb Day”! Why not express the beauty of hair and heart with MidJourney? Your creativity can open up a beautiful world.

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