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若者ファッション 3

かわいらしい若者3人組をstable diffusionのプロンプト・呪文により描かれたリアルなAI生成画像

若者ファッション 3




エコ・ファッション (Eco Fashion)

Eco Fashion, Sustainability, Environmentally-Friendly Choices, Organic Materials, Recycled Fashion, Eco-Conscious Brands, Ethical, Eco-Friendly Fashion Practices

​エコファッション, 持続可能性, 環境に優しい選択, オーガニック素材, リサイクルファッション, エコ意識の高いブランド, 倫理的, 環境にやさしいファッション

​Generate images that exemplify the “Eco Fashion” style, emphasizing sustainability and environmentally-friendly choices. This style often includes clothing made from organic materials, recycled fashion, and eco-conscious brands, promoting ethical and eco-friendly fashion practices.


レトロ・ヒッピー (Retro Hippie)

Retro Hippie, Counterculture, Tie-Dye Prints, Bell-Bottom Pants, Fringe Vests,

​レトロヒッピー, カウンターカルチャー, タイダイプリント, ベルボトムパンツ, フリンジベスト,

​Generate images that capture the essence of “Retro Hippie” style, influenced by the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s. This style often includes tie-dye prints, bell-bottom pants, fringe vests, and peace symbols, celebrating the values of peace, love, and freedom.



スクールガール (Schoolgirl)

Schoolgirl, Traditional School Uniforms, Pleated Skirts, Button-Up Blouses, Knee-High Socks, Mary Jane Shoes, Youthful, Innocent Charm

​スクールガール, 伝統的な学生服, プリーツスカート, ボタンアップブラウス, ひざ丈ソックス, メリージェーンシューズ, 若々しい, 無邪気な魅力

​Create images that capture the essence of “Schoolgirl” style, inspired by traditional school uniforms. This style often includes pleated skirts, button-up blouses, knee-high socks, and Mary Jane shoes, radiating a youthful and innocent charm.


モノクローム (Monochrome)

(Solid Black and White Color), Minimalist, Simplicity,


​Generate images that embody the essence of “Monochrome” style, characterized by black and white clothing and accessories. This style is minimalist and timeless, focusing on the simplicity of a single color palette.


モッズ (Mod)

Mod, Clean Lines, Geometric Patterns, Bold Colors, Shift Dresses, Mini Skirts, Go-Go Boots, Youth, Rebellion

​モッズ, クリーンなライン, 幾何学的な模様, 大胆な色彩, シフトドレス, ミニスカート, ゴーゴーブーツ, 若さ, 反抗心

​Generate images that capture the essence of “Mod” style, which emerged in the 1960s and is known for its clean lines, geometric patterns, and bold colors. This style includes shift dresses, mini skirts, and go-go boots, and it’s associated with youth and a sense of rebellion.


アバンギャルド (Avant-garde)

Avant-garde, Innovative, Unconventional, Silhouettes, Materials, Concepts

​アバンギャルド, 革新的, 非伝統的, シルエット, 素材, コンセプト

​Generate images that exemplify “Avant-garde” fashion, known for its innovative and unconventional designs that push the boundaries of traditional fashion. This style often includes avant-garde silhouettes, materials, and concepts.


ミリタリー (Military)

Military, Uniforms, Camouflage Patterns, Cargo Pants, Combat Boots, Tough, Utilitarian

​ミリタリー, 軍服, 迷彩柄, カーゴパンツ, 戦闘ブーツ, 頑丈, 実用的

​Create images that capture the essence of “Military” style, inspired by military uniforms and often featuring camouflage patterns, cargo pants, and combat boots. This style embodies a tough and utilitarian look.


カーディガン・コーデ (Cardigan Cozy):

Cardigan Cozy, Comfortable, Versatile, Layering, Added Warmth, Style

​カーディガンコージー, 快適, 多目的, 重ね着, 追加の温かさ, スタイル

​Generate images that capture the essence of “Cardigan Cozy” style, which revolves around the comfortable and versatile cardigan sweater. This style often involves layering cardigans over various outfits for added warmth and style.


ホームウェア・スタイル (Homewear Style)

Homewear Style, Comfortable Clothing, Lounging at Home, Cozy Pajamas, Soft Robes, Relaxed Loungewear

​ホームウェアスタイル, 快適な服, 家でくつろぐ, 快適なパジャマ, 柔らかいローブ, リラックスしたルームウェア

​Generate images that epitomize “Homewear Style,” a fashion trend that prioritizes comfortable clothing suitable for lounging at home. This style includes cozy pajamas, soft robes, and relaxed loungewear, making it ideal for relaxation and comfort.


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